These pictures were taken from our yard as I aimed my camera into our neighbor's floral display yesterday! I missed the opportunity last year because the days of beauty are so brief and when I saw the blossoms appear a few days ago I determined it would not be so this year! I was busy around but all of a sudden yesterday I decided, "This is the day!" so I took the pictures, came in and played with my photo program, printed some copies and took to the neighbor who planted the iris. She was so appreciative and I was able to tell her she has given a gift to my husband since purple iris is his favorite flower! I added my thought that this way she could enjoy her flowers all year long!
The amazing thing about the iris is that in comparison the beauty was blighted today; the freshness of the "Look at me!" was replaced with limp petals still well formed as they hung on and blew in the wind. The change came swiftly just as I had known it would so I am thankful I paid heed to the lesson of last year's loss!
The beauty of the iris is a lesson for life: we need to take advantage of the God-given moments in appreciation of the now because all too soon these moments will be past. Say, “I love you,” now. Make the phone call today. See if you can beat the mailman to the box with your outgoing get-well card/note-of-encouragement before he puts the incoming junk mail in there! Don’t wait until tomorrow…
The amazing thing about the iris is that in comparison the beauty was blighted today; the freshness of the "Look at me!" was replaced with limp petals still well formed as they hung on and blew in the wind. The change came swiftly just as I had known it would so I am thankful I paid heed to the lesson of last year's loss!
The beauty of the iris is a lesson for life: we need to take advantage of the God-given moments in appreciation of the now because all too soon these moments will be past. Say, “I love you,” now. Make the phone call today. See if you can beat the mailman to the box with your outgoing get-well card/note-of-encouragement before he puts the incoming junk mail in there! Don’t wait until tomorrow…

“Come now, you who say, ‘Today or tomorrow we will go to such and such a city, spend a year there, buy and sell, and make a profit’; whereas you do not know what will happen tomorrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away.” James 4:13-14 (NKJV)
© Marilyn Sue Moore 4-15-08
© Marilyn Sue Moore 4-15-08