In telling you about the smile the little boy left in my heart (NO DECAY 2-25-09) I didn’t tell “the rest of the story” as Paul Harvey* so eloquently phrases it.
The rest of the story goes back to years before my little friend was born. It was 1996, soon after we moved to this city that I was privileged to become a Cradle Roll Teacher of six to eight infants. Some people may scornfully wonder what you are able to teach babies but I have always firmly believed that if I never imparted anything more than that they were loved, that would be enough! Children and I seem to have some very special connect that God has built in and it always thrills me to my innermost being to see it in action.
One student in that Cradle Roll Class was the big sister of the little boy who brought such a smile to my heart a few days ago. The smile he brought was in the huge compliment he paid when he told his mom I was pretty…after all, what almost-70-year-old woman would be truthful to say that didn’t do her heart good? But the additional thoughts that turbulently tumbled through my mind at record speed went like this:
He saw how I loved him!
I showed Jesus’ love when we talked!
I still connect!
How can I not be teaching Cradle Roll? Does this mean I should be teaching that class about which the bulletin said:
Job Opening: Cradle Roll Teacher. Qualifications—must love God and His children. No singing/singing ability required. Open for male or female, any age welcome. Salary: priceless. No prep required, curriculum easy to follow. See (name here) for more details about this exciting opportunity.”
And how can I not be teaching that class when that announcement seemed to go unheeded for such a period of time in the bulletins? Am I supposed to do that? Maybe I should call to see who finally took the class and see if she/he needs a helper.
These thoughts started an excitement that is unexplainable to folks who haven’t been there and need no explanation to those who have; still, I haven’t made that inquiry. Personal questions persist: foremost, with my health issues would I able? Maybe the questions are Satan’s devious ways. I recognize a couple that definitely are.
A day or so later when I related many of these thoughts to a dear friend, the tears broke through to the surface as I described what my heart longingly recalled: two pictures one of the ladies took of me teaching that long ago Cradle Roll Class when I first knew the little boy’s big sister. I explained that those pictures fully describe without words…ME.
And now you know the rest of the story about the little boy and me. Or do you? And, do I?
©Marilyn Sue Moore 2-28-09
The rest of the story goes back to years before my little friend was born. It was 1996, soon after we moved to this city that I was privileged to become a Cradle Roll Teacher of six to eight infants. Some people may scornfully wonder what you are able to teach babies but I have always firmly believed that if I never imparted anything more than that they were loved, that would be enough! Children and I seem to have some very special connect that God has built in and it always thrills me to my innermost being to see it in action.
One student in that Cradle Roll Class was the big sister of the little boy who brought such a smile to my heart a few days ago. The smile he brought was in the huge compliment he paid when he told his mom I was pretty…after all, what almost-70-year-old woman would be truthful to say that didn’t do her heart good? But the additional thoughts that turbulently tumbled through my mind at record speed went like this:
He saw how I loved him!
I showed Jesus’ love when we talked!
I still connect!
How can I not be teaching Cradle Roll? Does this mean I should be teaching that class about which the bulletin said:
Job Opening: Cradle Roll Teacher. Qualifications—must love God and His children. No singing/singing ability required. Open for male or female, any age welcome. Salary: priceless. No prep required, curriculum easy to follow. See (name here) for more details about this exciting opportunity.”
And how can I not be teaching that class when that announcement seemed to go unheeded for such a period of time in the bulletins? Am I supposed to do that? Maybe I should call to see who finally took the class and see if she/he needs a helper.
These thoughts started an excitement that is unexplainable to folks who haven’t been there and need no explanation to those who have; still, I haven’t made that inquiry. Personal questions persist: foremost, with my health issues would I able? Maybe the questions are Satan’s devious ways. I recognize a couple that definitely are.
A day or so later when I related many of these thoughts to a dear friend, the tears broke through to the surface as I described what my heart longingly recalled: two pictures one of the ladies took of me teaching that long ago Cradle Roll Class when I first knew the little boy’s big sister. I explained that those pictures fully describe without words…ME.
And now you know the rest of the story about the little boy and me. Or do you? And, do I?
©Marilyn Sue Moore 2-28-09
*This was written and published before noon using and crediting words of Paul Harvey, a man whose words I listened to, admired with interest, and enjoyed; by time for the evening news we learned that Paul Harvey had passed away sometime earlier today. He and his words will be missed. MSM