Friday, April 15, 2011


Have you ever said or heard someone else say, “It seems my prayers are only going as far as the ceiling”? Reading the following verse recently gave me pause for thought: “In the days of his flesh, Jesus offered up prayers and supplications, with loud cries and tears, to him who was able to save him from death, and he was heard because of his reverence.” Hebrews 5:7 (ESV) As we consider what we know about the life Jesus lived on this earth, and how fervently He prayed at the end that the cup pass from Him, we also recall He ended His prayer with, “Thy will be done.” Combining “Thy will be done” along with the phrase from the above verse, “he was heard” seems to open up a new thought or two, don’t you think? It is of particular importance when we add, “he was heard because of his reverence.” From additional scriptures we read, it is clear that Jesus understood what He faced in death on the cross; yet, while begging for the possibility of some other way, He yielded His will to that of God’s. He trusted the Father to do what was right and best. He, unlike we, had the power to back out, call the whole thing off, any time; yet, He entrusted Himself to the One He revered to the point of complete submission. I wonder if it would help us when we feel our prayers are going no higher than the ceiling, to remember these things about Jesus. He prayed. He yielded. He trusted. He was heard. God answered. Because God knew best, He answered His way. Because of that, we can come to Him in prayer, knowing we have The One Who has made it possible for God to hear our prayers, by God’s side, making intercession for us. He is listening and He is far higher than any ceiling! © Marilyn Sue (Libby) Moore 4-15-2011

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