This scripture quoted and the thoughts expressed as recently as eight days ago by a woman in our adult Bible Class on a Sunday morning not only brought a fond recollection of my mother’s frequently repeating the same passage, but presented it from a slightly different angle.
I’d always thought of it from the point of view as the beginning words state, “Let the words of my mouth…be acceptable in Thy sight...” conveniently casting aside the remainder of the verse. Even though I was fully aware of the words apparently I chose to not hear them until that day last week…
Our teacher asked, “What are your temptations?” Our oldest member, age one-hundred-and-one, raised her hand. The teacher approached where she sat so he could hear her more clearly and use the microphone to repeat her words. She answered, “My thoughts.” She then went on to quote the above verse with the explanation that the meditation of our heart means our thoughts.
Since I had used my selective hearing regarding that verse even with the knowledge of how many times I’d heard the quote from my own mother’s lips, I sat there in stunned amazement at what I had been missing for all of my sixty-eight years!
I had chosen my favorite verse regarding my thoughts, “For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he…” (Proverbs 23:7a KJV) and in doing so how many others had I tuned out? So many times I read passages I am thoroughly familiar with and realize I am seeing something for the first time. In this case, I really heard something for the first time from a completely familiar scripture. My lessons? I ought not hurry through my scripture reading. I must take time to consider each phrase with meaning. With this lesson in mind can there be any question as to why we are told to “Study…” as discussed in the first message on this site?
Also we can so easily see why we are to “appeal to the older women as mothers” (I Timothy 5:2 NASB) and no matter how old I get, I delight in benefiting from the wisdom, pure love, and hugs from Godly older women.
Let us celebrate all the older women who have enriched our lives and today join me in wishing a very Happy Birthday to our dear Sister Grace who is celebrating 102 years!
Written to honor our Lord
and to thank Him for you, Grace,
and for the years He is giving you!
© Marilyn Sue (Libby) Moore 2-11-08
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