From the time I was old enough to know about anything my heart's desire was to be a wife and that order, too! I remember standing by the corner of the little house in the country in West Garland, Maine, when I was eight years old and praying that God would not give me any babies until I had a husband because babies needed a daddy! WHAT brought that on I have no idea but I remember it as a prayer of importance and sincerity from the depths of my heart that God heard!
I was so very young but before I was truly smart enough to make such a lifelong wise decision, first came my attraction to that high school football playing funny guy with curly hair who sat in front of me though several high school classes, then marriage, and a year later our first bundle of joy to answer those prayers along with others I hadn't known to pray!
A couple of years later our son arrived to make our family complete. You have heard the words to the old song? “A boy for you and a girl for me…” Well, that is how the song goes, but God had other ideas. A poem I found that I like to use when I make baby congratulations cards says:
“When God wants something special done in this world...
He sends a baby and then...He waits.”
(unknown author)
He must have rejoiced mightily with the surprising plans He had for each of us when H

My primary desire was and still is to be a first-class wife and mother only now with the added years, wisdom and wrinkles, an addendum portion to my prayer adds thankfulness for those who I at age eight didn’t think to pray for: the children who were born and grew up to marry my children and the children, now my grandchildren, and the cycle of life that God has planned to continue on until we all walk with Him in the Place Prepared.
“Delight yourself in the LORD;
And He will give you the desires of your heart.”
Psalm 37:4 (NASB)
©Marilyn Sue (Libby) Moore 5-8-09